Gaffney Bakery, LLC establishing operations in Cherokee County
June 7, 2023
$96 million investment will create more than 260 new jobs
Gaffney Bakery, LLC and its partners today announced plans to establish operations in Cherokee County. The company’s $96 million investment will create more than 260 new jobs.
Gaffney Bakery, LLC plans to purchase an existing state-of-the-art bakery facility located at 131 Corporate Drive in Gaffney and make significant renovations and improvements to assist in manufacturing frozen bakery products.
Operations are expected to be online by mid-2024. Individuals interested in employment should visit readySC in late 2023 and early 2024 for job postings.
Company officials look forward to opening this facility and partnering with South Carolina and Cherokee County.
The Coordinating Council for Economic Development approved job development credits related to this project. The council also awarded a $2.5 million Rural Infrastructure Fund (RIF) grant to Cherokee County to assist with the costs of building improvements.
“We are pleased that Gaffney Bakery, LLC decided to establish in South Carolina. With our pro-business environment, robust workforce and first-class resources, South Carolina is well-versed in supporting new and existing businesses.”
-Gov. Henry McMaster
“Today we celebrate Gaffney Bakery, LLC. This investment will allow the company to provide significant economic opportunities to South Carolinians and is yet another win for the state.”
-Secretary of Commerce Harry M. Lightsey III
“Gaffney Bakery, LLC recognizes that South Carolina is the key ingredient for success. Our greatest asset – our people – is what makes that ingredient so strong. I am proud to welcome this company to Cherokee County and look forward to seeing the difference they make.”
-Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee Harvey S. Peeler Jr.
“I thank Gaffney Bakery, LLC for committing to South Carolina and helping further grow our thriving agribusiness industry. This announcement is a testament to our state’s status as a great place for agribusiness.”
-South Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture Hugh Weathers
“We are delighted to welcome Gaffney Bakery, LLC to Cherokee County and congratulate them on their significant investment of $96 million. This is a testament to the strength of our workforce, our business-friendly environment and our strategic location. We look forward to supporting their growth and success in our community.”
-Cherokee County Council Chairman Tim Spencer
“The Upstate of South Carolina continues to be a great location for food manufacturers to locate based on our skilled workforce, logistical advantages and our location at the center of the growing Southeastern consumer market. We congratulate Cherokee County and Gaffney Bakery, LLC on this very significant and important announcement for our region.”
-Upstate SC Alliance President and Chief Executive Officer John Lummus
- Gaffney Bakery, LLC is establishing operations in Cherokee County.
- The company’s $96 million investment will create more than 260 new jobs.
- Located at 131 Corporate Drive in Gaffney, S.C.
- Individuals interested in employment should visit readySC in late 2023 and early 2024 for job postings.
- The company plans to purchase an existing state-of-the-art bakery facility.