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Broad River Electric Cooperative

Broad River Electric Cooperative is one of 20 member-owned electric co-ops in South Carolina. From our headquarters in Gaffney, SC, we serve Cherokee, Spartanburg, Union, and Newberry counties in South Carolina and portions of Cleveland, Polk, and Rutherford counties in North Carolina. Founded in 1940 to meet the needs of a small number of rural residents who needed electric service, we now have more than 21,000 business and residential Member-Owners and 2,566 miles of power line. Our mission also encompasses the four Touchstone Energy values: accountability, integrity, innovation, and commitment to community. You’ll find that much of what we do – whether it’s doing business with you or doing work to better our community – have these values at their core.

Terry Mallard
President & CEO
PO Box 2269
Gaffney SC 29342
Phone: (864) 206-7136
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.broadriverelectric.coop